Kentucky Press Service

Simple and Direct
One Call, One Bill

Available through the Kentucky Press Service, the advertising placement service began as a full-time KPS department in January 1984. The KPS staff calls on advertisers and advertising agencies in Kentucky and surrounding states, encouraging them to advertise in Kentucky newspapers.

The service, known as One-Order, One-Bill, One-Check, allows advertisers to use multiple numbers of newspapers to use one source for placement, collection of tearsheets, and payment. The KPS Advertising Office prepares the insertion orders, mails the ad, and insertion order to the newspapers collects all tearsheets and issues the client one invoice. The client then pays KPS for the advertising placed and KPS issues monthly checks to the newspapers.

By policy of the KPS Board of Directors, payments are made to member newspapers within 60 days of placement, regardless of the status of collection. KPS uses national/commissionable newspaper rates and the service is paid for by member newspapers. There is no service charge to advertisers or advertising agencies unless materials must be prepared by the KPS Advertising Service. As a part of this 60-day agreement, the newspaper will be given five (5) days to comply with a tearsheet request. If the tearsheet is not received, the ad will be considered a “did not run” and no payment will be made to the newspaper for that ad.

To request a quote, contact Rachel McCarty or Holly Willard at 502-223-8821.


KPS’s commission is taken from the newspaper’s national advertising rate.

Additional Advertising Options

Take a look at these other advertising options that are available to you!


ARK one-order, one-check placement service gets your message out with almost 2 million Kentucky newspaper readers.

ARK is a 2 column by 2-inch display advertising program offered exclusively by the Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service and its participating newspapers. Your 2×2 display ad reaches at least 841,000 Kentucky households each week, through 109 Kentucky newspapers. And, it is cheaper than if you went with each newspaper direct. Plus, it’s much more convenient.

Do you want options? We’ve got options!

Our small-space display advertising network – Ads Reaching Kentuckians (ARK) – now comes tailored to fit your advertising needs.

With 109 newspapers, spread from the Mississippi River to the West Virginia border, from the Tennessee border to the Ohio River, ARK can answer your newspaper advertising needs for a small budget.

18 dailies + 91 weeklies = 109 newspapers = 905,731 circulation = More than 2 million readers!

Take your choice:
Entire network – 109 newspapers
Weekly Newspapers only – 91 newspapers
Daily Newspapers only – 18 newspapers

Daily Newspapers
503,924 circulation*
1,310,202 readers**

Weekly Newspapers
401,807 circulation*
1,044,698 readers**

*Circulation effective for 2015 only.
**Readership numbers based on a rate of 2.6 readers per copy

The deadline is Wednesday at 4 p.m. for the following week.

The ARK Program can also place ads in a number of other states with similar programs.

For a list of participating newspapers in Kentucky, and a list of other states and placement costs, or for more information Click Here

*Member Newspapers: There is no cost for a member newspaper to participate in the Ads Reaching Kentuckian’s program, but a paper must agree to the network to receive ads. Participating papers are paid based on a formula using ad size and paper circulation.*

To request a quote, contact Rachel McCarty or Holly Willard at 502-223-8821.


BANK is the newest statewide network to be offered by the Kentucky Press. Launched in 2007, it has grown to offer advertising on 37 newspaper websites across Kentucky.

We offer one size for banner ads, 728×90 pixels. The ad will run for one month on each of the participating paper’s websites. We have two cycles available – 1st-30th (an actual calendar month) or 15th-14th (splitting two months in half).

Recent clients have experienced over 1 million views of their ads and 400+ click-throughs!

The client must provide the ad, .gif files work best. Deadline is one week prior to the start of the ad cycle. Please see brochure for pricing and list of participating newspapers.

To request a quote to advertise with KY Press Service click here.

To download the BANK Brochure click here → BANK (Banner Ads Network of Kentucky) (4085 downloads )


Established by the Kentucky Press Association in July 1984, as an effort for classified advertisers to have the opportunity to place a classified in newspapers throughout the state by making one call.

Under the plan, clients may place a classified through a participating newspaper and have that classified appear in some 86 newspapers representing about 2 million* readers. *Readership numbers based on a rate of 2.6 readers per copy

The Kentucky Statewide Classified Program can also place classified ads in a number of other states with similar programs.

The cost for the Statewide Classified Network is $250 for 25 words, with $7 charged for each word over 25. The deadline for Kentucky Network is 4 p.m. each Wednesday for ads to begin the following week.

To request a quote to advertise in the Statewide Classified Program, contact Rachel McCarty or Holly Willard at 502-223-8821.