The Kentucky Press Association was founded January 13, 1869, in Frankfort. KPA is the nation’s 10th oldest state press association.

The purpose of the Kentucky Press Association is defined in its By-Laws:

“The purpose of this corporation is to promote the interests of its members, the newspapers of Kentucky; to expand their field of endeavor; to maintain a high code of ethics among all journalists; to enhance the usefulness of the newspaper industry and to promote and maintain a spirit of fraternal regard among its members; and to do any and all things necessary to carry out the purposes of this corporation.”

The Kentucky Press Association is governed by a Board of Directors. Included in this Board is the Executive Committee, consisting of the President, President-Elect, Past President, Vice President and Treasurer. Officers and directors take office at the close of each KPA Winter Convention.

Members of the Board of Directors are elected from 14 districts across the state. Board members are elected by newspapers within each district and serve a three-year term.

Additionally, four state-at large directors are appointed each year by the President and the chairmen of the KPA Associates Division, KPA Advertising Division, KPA News Editorial Division, New Media Division, and KPA Circulation Division are voting members of the Board of Directors. Also sitting on the Board as a non-voting member is a representative of one of Kentucky’s five university journalism departments with the appointment rotating between journalism department directors.

The Board employs an Executive Director and other staff necessary to carry out the functions of the Kentucky Press Association.

Two affiliate corporations, the Kentucky Press Service and the School of Journalism Foundation of Kentucky, Inc., are also operated by KPA at its headquarters in Frankfort.

Newspapers holding a Periodicals Class (Second Class) mailing permit and meeting other criteria of the U.S. Postal Service and the KPA membership requirements are eligible for membership in the Kentucky Press Association. Dues are paid annually and are based on advertising rates.

Newspapers without a Periodicals Class mailing permit but meeting other requirements for membership are accepted as Associate Member Newspapers. In addition, various organizations, companies, state agencies, and public relations and advertising firms doing business with Kentucky newspapers, are invited to join the KPA Associates Division. Membership dues for Associate Member Newspapers are based on the newspaper’s circulation. The KPA Associates Division dues are $450 per calendar year.